


withdraw提款在【商用英文】ATM的全名、分期付款怎麼說?Be in the red又是 ...的討論與評價

在withdraw後面加上–al 名詞字根,則是指「提款」「提醒領出來的款項」。軍隊中會用到的「撤軍」可以說troop withdrawal,而withdraw from是「從…

withdraw提款在【商用英文】ATM 的全名、分期付款怎麼說?Be in the red 是 ...的討論與評價

在 withdraw 後面加上 –al 名詞字根,則是指「提款」、「提醒領出來的款項」唷!軍隊中會用到的「撤軍」可以說troop withdrawal,而withdraw from ...

withdraw提款在銀行提款Withdraw money from the bank - 金管會的討論與評價

A : 沒有,謝謝你。 文章字彙. 轉移transfer. 現金cash. 存款帳戶savings account. 提款withdrawal.


    withdraw提款在「轉帳、提款、匯款」英文怎麼說?「銀行」常用英文字彙大 ...的討論與評價

    c. withdraw / take out money 提款. d. make a withdrawal 提款. e. pay a bill 繳交帳單. f. exchange currency 兌換外幣. “What's your rate?

    withdraw提款在cardless (cash) withdrawal-無卡提款 - 經理人的討論與評價

    無卡提款可以說cardless withdrawal 或cardless cash,現在許多ATM(automatic teller machine的縮寫,teller是出納員之意)提款機都提供無卡提款服務,這類提款機 ...

    withdraw提款在提款 - 雙語資料庫學習資源網的討論與評價

    A:I would like to transfer NTD 5,000 from my savings account to checking account and withdraw NTD 1,000 in cash. A : 我想要從我的存款帳戶裡轉五千元到支票 ...

    withdraw提款在存款、匯款英文怎麼說?】 銀行、ATM常見單字一次告訴你 ...的討論與評價

    有邊唸編覺得"提款" 的例句很霸氣,但我此生應該是聽不到了 #生活英文. ... 【提款、存款、匯款英文怎麼說?】 ... WITHDRAW. 3 yrs Report.

    withdraw提款在withdraw money-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context的討論與評價

    VISA or Master Card and Traveler's Checks can be used to withdraw money from banks. Visa或Master卡和旅行支票可以用来提款从银行。

    withdraw提款在【用英文怎麼說】我轉帳給你、我去領點錢超實用的銀行相關 ...的討論與評價

    seal印鑑. 開完戶之後你會拿到bankbook(存款簿)和ATM card(提款卡)。 ... You can deposit as well as withdraw money by the ATM.

    withdraw提款的PTT 評價、討論一次看
