
Hare rabbit、HARE、Rabbit在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說

Hare rabbit關鍵字相關的推薦文章

Hare rabbit在「兔」和「野兔」有什麼差別?的討論與評價

第一,牠們是不同的物種—— 野兔比較大隻、耳朵比較長,且比兔子不愛社交。 · 野兔(hare)和兔(rabbit)長得很像,因此有些人可能會以為牠們是同一種動物 ...

Hare rabbit在「兔子」英文該用rabbit bunny hare?「龜兔賽跑」英文原來是….的討論與評價

rabbit 可用來泛指所有的兔子,但更常用來講家中的寵物兔,也可以是兔肉(沒錯,有些國家的人會吃兔肉)。 bunny 則是可愛的小孩用語,類似中文的「小兔兔」。 那 hare 是 ...

Hare rabbit在[10分鐘英文課]~~Bunny, rabbit 和hare 都是兔子,那他們一樣嗎?的討論與評價

英文裡的bunny, rabbit 和hare 哪裡不一樣呢? Bunny 在17世紀的時候是指年輕的女性, 這個字可以追溯到一個蘇格蘭古字Bun(有兔子,松鼠,尾巴的意思在 ...

Hare rabbit在ptt上的文章推薦目錄

    Hare rabbit在What's the Difference Between Rabbits and Hares?的討論與評價

    Hares, in contrast, are larger, and they are born fully developed with fur and opened eyes after a gestation period ofabout 42 days. They are runners, ...

    Hare rabbit在What's the Difference Between Rabbits and Hares?的討論與評價

    Hares are also larger, have longer ears, and are less social than rabbits. The "most profound difference" is seen in baby hares versus baby ...

    Hare rabbit在Rabbits VS Hares: The Differences! - YouTube的討論與評價

    Someone said that the way to tell the difference between a rabbit and a hare is that a hare looks like they are constantly plagued with ...

    Hare rabbit在兔年到,聊聊英文裡的兔的討論與評價

    英文裡常見的「兔子」有三種:rabbit、hare、bunny; 「兔年」正確的寫法是Year of the Rabbit,實詞要大寫、生肖前要加定冠詞the。 英文裡有許多關於兔子的俚語,來自你 ...

    Hare rabbit在Hare的討論與評價

    Hares are generally larger than rabbits, with longer ears, and have black markings on their fur. Hares, like all leporids, have jointed, or kinetic, skulls, ...

    Hare rabbit在所以,兔年的“兔”是rabbit,hare还是bunny? - 搜狐的討論與評價

    家兔的英文是rabbit,野兔的英文是hare,这是一般用法。如果讲究一点,家兔是domestic rabbit(用domestic强调“家养的”),野兔是wild hare(用wild强调“ ...

    Hare rabbit在What's the difference between a rabbit and a hare?的討論與評價

    Hares are distinguished from rabbits by their larger size, longer ears, and longer hind legs. They also tend to live alone or in pairs in above-ground nests, ...

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